veVolt staking should show PERSONAL APY based on stake amount and time length

veVolt shows a generic APY that is based on the maximum stake time (which can only be achieved by staking for 24 months and re-staking each week.)

What should be showed when staking is the APY and expected earnings in Volt for the individuals stake, based on time staked and amount of Volt - just as normal Fuse staking does.

That way users can see what their expected earnings are, without having to guess or do complex calculations.

Clarity over expected earnings is essential for financial products.


This is a good proposal, thank you @fuseprime.

The team is currently working on the launchpad but will surely work on this after the launchpad is ready.

One important thing to consider is that the APY is variable and depends on the volume, so APY that will be displayed there will be an approximation based on an average of the traded volume over a period of time (lets say a week).

what do you think is more suitable, weekly or monthly average?

Iā€™ve filled in the google suggestion form, and putting it here as well.

veVolt rewards are far too low for the lock-in required.

The max lock / 100% reward time is currently 24 months (2years!!). Thatā€™s a lifetime in crypto. Literally no value is going to be locked that long.

Currently the average lock is 5 months, and thatā€™s in a bear market. Itā€™s only going to be less as we move into a bull.

A 5 month lock currently gets ~5.5%APY, which isnā€™t significant enough to encourage people locking. Once these locks are finished Iā€™m sure many lockers wonā€™t bother re-locking again, but put their volt in LPs or just hold them.

To encourage actual locking - and repeat locking - the APY needs to be higher at lower lock levels.

A 6 month max % will encourage that, and also repeat locking. Which is the actual desired outcome - repeat locking over a long period of time.

When this is changed all existing locks should be finished and people should get their Volt back without any withdraw fee. They can then enter the new veVolt locks.

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I dont really agree that if the market turns bullish users wont be willing to lock their tokens.

Since VeVolt APY depends of trading Volume, the higher the volume on the dex the higher the APY.

I agree that maybe 2 years is a very long period of time for this industry, but remember that the APY is distributed among the stakers based on their VeVolt balance, meaning that if there are no users staking their tokens for 2 years and the user with the longest lock has it for 6 month, this user will receive the max APY % as if he was staking his tokens for 2 years.

Do you have any suggestion on how to increase the VeVolt APY for it to be more attractive?

A good idea would be instead of Burning Volt tokens to send those on a weekly basis as a reward to the VeVolt holders, this way the users that are more engaged with the protocol will be benefited from this and Locking Volt tokens will be much more attractive!

I canā€™t see people locking their tokens during a bull market - especially tokens that havenā€™t yet risen above their sale price. People will be looking to recover their loses.

Anyway, regarding Volt staking ā€œrisk vs rewardsā€. I think that should come from shorter lock periods, not more tokens.

I understand that Volt have been trying to reduce the amount of rewards given out due to negative price impact they have. Giving more to staking is just this again. I think itā€™ll lead to more selling. Iā€™m still in favour of reducing total supply significantly as was originally proposed by the team.

Taking your point that rewards are based on total veVolt, not time staked, then itā€™s likely the community will naturally tend to shorter locks on average, as the system can be gamed - everyone just locks for a shorter period and gets the same ā€˜maxā€™ benefits

As the avg is currently less than 6 months - (although I donā€™t know if this metric is based on veVolt or users - i.e. is it the avg lock of all staked Volt, or the avg lock of all individual wallets?) - then thereā€™ll be no harm in reducing the max lock to 6 months. Thereā€™ll be no change in the amount of rewards given out, and the scale down to 1 month staking will be more attractive. Staking should probably run on a weekly timeframe the same as the epochs. 1 month is too long.

Importantly and further to my first point - the UI really needs to change as it totally misleading for users. It doesnā€™t show the key details, expected earnings and the APY is complete nonsense.

Iā€™ve checked the Vyper contracts and Iā€™m getting 2.4% APY on my staked Volt.

Key metrics required are: total veVolt, user veVolt, user % of veVolt pool, rewards pool that epoch, expected PERSONAL rewards that epoch, current PERSONAL APY on staked Volt.

This has to be a priority.

These changes will encourage users to dip into and out of staking and have it as part of a dynamic ecosystem. I canā€™t see that happening with the current system.


Noted. I agree with what you stated here, but I donā€™t really agree with lowering the maximum lock period. If all users try to game the system by locking for shorter periods of time, there will be incentives for others to lock for longer periods in order to receive bigger rewards.

Regarding the average lock, it is calculated as follows: ((total VeVolt) / (Volt locked)) * 2

Regarding the key metrics, i completely agree, i will inform the team about this improvements and make sure this are implemented as soon as the team is done with the current priorities.

Thank you!

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