Voltage Trooperz NFT should be the premium ‘founder’ level NFT collection on Voltage.
It should have high value, high utility and high desirability. It should be the beacon/hero NFT to showcase NFT utility within a defi product.
50% of the NFTs are for sale at ~$100. The other 50 are either given to team/ community members, or (the majority) as rewards for ‘social media engagement’.
I think it’s acceptable to give one to a few valued team/community members.
However, social media engagement campaigns are mainly entered by spammers and general airdrop hunters who have no interest in Voltage and just want the rewards - they will likely dump the NFTs as soon as they get them.
These campaigns do little to nothing to engage new Voltage users, increase TVL and build value into the ecosystem.
Giving away NFTs to spammers significantly damages the value of the NFTs, doesn’t build the Voltage brand or community and completely erodes the teams desire to build utility into the them - why give spammers a NFT that has loads of nice utility?
Whilst the social engagement campaign does require some LP and staking provision, there is no minimum value and so will be the lowest the spammer can get away with.
Be specifying a $100 minimum stake/LP provision the spammers will be filtered, dedicated community members engaged, TVL increased and the value of the NFTs protected.
The easiest way to do this is set a qualifying bar of staking $100 Volt for at least 1 month (the minimum) and reduce the NFTs available for winning to 20.
Such a move would establish the Trooperz brand, it’s value and profile in the Voltage community.
Without it I think the Trooperz NFTs will be irrevocably tarnished. It’s highly unlikely anyone will buy one when 50 are being given to spammers.