Foo/LadyBot - A Coineus Catalyst, WhiteList Request

FOO: Hyper Deflationary Token

“Foo the first community member launch on the fuse and Ceus eco system those that know Foo know he is a chad”

To know Foo is to love Foo
@FooKmeWuntz or@KunFooCeus (telegram handle) is the mind and soul behind FOO The first hyperdeflationary token on Fuse Blockchain. @FooKmeWuntz is passionate about life, passionate about crypto, passionate about Fuse. If you have taken the time to get to know him like i have, you would know him to always speak his mind, and openly argue for what he believes in. That Passion he exhibites is personified in the Token he has created.



Foo main liquidity is in a FOO/Lady Liquidity pool on

LP sits at 6,260.73 FOO and 51,998 Lady worth $18,000 trading at $1.46 at time of writing

FOO secondary liquidity is in FOO/WFuse Liquidity pool also on

LP sits at 806.80 FOO and 13,817 WFuse Worth $2,100 trading at $1.3367 at time of writing

FOO Currently sits as the 15th Top token on Voltage analytics in their V2 LPs


Currently FOO holders have multiple opertunites to let their FOO work for them



FOO is a valued Peroject built on Fuse Network . @FooKmeWuntz chose becuse it is the Premire Dex on fuse, and choose Fuse for speed of transactions, and affordable transactional costs. @FooKmeWuntz is a long time fuse network native whom is a huge supporter of both Coineus Project, Lady project and the greater Fuse ecosystem. He is asking that FOO be White Listed .


You have undoubtedly tapped the essence and meaning behind Foo. I’m very thankful for your insight!


I have foo and i consider it a long term hold.
FOO Token connections with Ladybot and Coineus are strong.
This kind of community project is what fuse ecosystem needs.


Foo token is a fantastic asset to Fuse and the Coineus ecosystem, providing unique volume generating tools and in collaboration with the talented Ladybot project. No doubt a bright future in store for anyone looking to get in at this early stage. A WL spot on Voltage would be greatly deserved for what promises to be an exciting asset to Fuse network.


FOO is what every community needs :smile:
The volume generator will be a useful tool any project can use.


any blockchain/ecosystem isn’t complete without having FOO in it, spread the foo, spread the love , hopefully Voltageteam looks into WL Foo!

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Just wanted to drop this here
we would like to think that WL is right around the corner :wink:,
and you’ll be asking for the image @FooKmeWuntz would like to
represent his token for all to see when swapping on voltage

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Voltage Finance is excited at the prospect of welcoming FOO to our decentralized exchange. We are fully supportive of innovative tokens like FOO that contribute to the dynamism and diversity of the DeFi ecosystem on the Fuse network.

To move forward with whitelisting FOO on our platform, we kindly request the fulfillment of two essential criteria:

  1. Open a v3 liquidity pool on Voltage with an allocation of 10,000 Fuse tokens and an equivalent value of FOO tokens.
  2. Submit FOO’s token information to our GitHub repository. This information is vital for our technical team to integrate FOO into our system efficiently. Please fill out the required details here: Pull requests · voltfinance/swap-default-token-list · GitHub.

By meeting these requirements, FOO will not only gain visibility among our community but also join a curated list of tokens that are recognized for their credibility and potential within the Fuse ecosystem.

These steps are crucial for a smooth addition to our platform. We value the passion and community engagement FOO brings, and we look forward to its integration. Should you need assistance, Voltage Finance is here to help.

FYI @SupportiveWolf @FooKmeWuntz

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